| Faculty Members | Research Interests |
1. | Professor, English Literature
| Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall literary writings, Victorian Poetry, Postcolonial Critical theory, & Charlotte Bronte as a poet and novelist |
2. | Prof. Saad Abdulrahman Albazei Professor Emeritus, English Literature | English literature & comparative literature |
3. | Prof. Abdullah Saad Abdullah Al-Dobaian Professor, Theoretical Linguistics
| Semitic morphology and syntax, syntax-morphology interface, syntax-semantics interface |
4. | Associate Professor, Theoretical Linguistics
| Child language acquisition, accented speech, morphosyntax development and constraints |
5. | Associate Professor, Theoretical & Applied Linguistics
| Systemic functional linguistics, multimodal discourse analysis, appraisal, academic literacies, metadiscourse, reading comprehension research, assessment and evaluation tools for ESL/EFL students, and the use of Web 2.0 technology in higher education
6. | Associate Professor, English Literature
| Exploring the epistemological bias in postcolonial theory, coloniality in world reading strategies and role of modernity/coloniality in the rise of modern Arabic literary criticism |
7. | Associate Professor, Applied Linguistics
| Pragmatics: Speech Acts Sociolinguistics: Code-switching & language maintenance |
8. | Dr. Saleh Saeed Mubarak Batais Associate Professor, Theoretical Linguistics
| Theoretical phonology, loanword phonology, language contact, language variation & lexical borrowing |
9. | Dr. Mohammed Abdullah Almoaily Associate Professor, ِApplied Linguistics
| Pidgin and creole languages, language politeness, language policy and planning, linguistic landscapes, language variation |
10. | Dr. Madhawy Abdulaziz Almeshaal Assistant Professor, English Literature
| Theatre studies, psychoanalysis theories and drama, gender studies and drama, language/communication and theatre |
11. | Assistant Professor, English Literature
| Utopian science, fiction & fantasy literature, Renaissance fiction, &19th century novel popular culture & film, Imperial literature, travel literature, & composition studies |
12. | Assistant Professor, Theoretical Linguistics
| Prosody, linguistic interface, syntax, semantics, Saudi dialects, informatics structure, & pragmatics |
13. | Associate Professor, Applied Linguistics
| Language Assessment, Language Policy & Planning, Language Acquisition, Lexicography |
14. | Dr. Fayez Abdulmajeed AlGhamdi Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics
| Rhetorical theory and criticism, comparative rhetoric, Arab-American literature, postcolonial theory |
15. | Assistant Professor, Theoretical Linguistics
| Theoretical Linguistics |
16. | Assistant Professor, Theoretical Linguistics
| Language acquisition, material design & implementation, classroom interaction, linguistics |
17. | Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics
| Pragmatics, pragmatic comprehension and speech acts |
18. | Dr. Shaikah Ahmed Mohammed Al Madkhali Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics
| Applied linguistics, second language acquisition, & sociolinguistics |
19. | Dr. Maimoonah Khalil Al Khalil Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics
| |
20. | Dr. Laila Abdulrahman Hamad Alekrish Assistant Professor, English Literature
| Narratology, African-American literature, English and American novel, & modern literature |
21. | Dr. Kesavan Vadakalur Elumalai Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics
| LRSW applied linguistics, productive language teaching, language acquisition, course switching and core mixing, & communication skills |
22. | Assistant Professor, Critical Theory and Criticism & Comparative Literature
| Saudi Literature, American Literature, Pop-Culture , Comparative Literature |
23. | Dr. Abdulrahman Faisal Abu Shal Assistant Professor, The American Novel and Postwar Literature | Cultural and Political Theories, Stylistics, Semiotics |
24. | Assistant Professor, English Literature
| Postcolonial studies & nationalist feminism |
25. | Assistant Professor, English Literature
| Transatlantic studies, modernist literature and literary theory, reception studies, Antebellum America, visual dialectics of modernity, & Edgar Allan Poe (influence and reputation) |
26. | Assistant Professor, English Literature
| Literary Criticism, Postmodernism, American Literature, Arab American Literature, Saudi Literature in English, & Comparative Literature |
27. | Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics
| Use of Technology (ICT,CALL) in EFL teaching, teacher training and development (continuous personal development), theorising technology use, evaluation and development of ICT CPD, Mobile learning, distance learning and evaluation |
28. | Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics
| Exploring L1 Arabic speakers’ acquisition of English grammatical structures within generative theory by identifying the features in L1 & L2 and the role of L1 transfer and input, integrating findings from linguistic theory into language pedagogy, investigating the effect of explicit and implicit types of input on language acquisition through experimental classroom research, & exploring gender and identity in linguistic discourse |
29. | Assistant Professor, English Literature
| Postcolonial Feminism |
30. | Assistant Professor, English Literature
| Poetry, Systemic Functional Linguistics, & African American Poetry |
31. | Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics
| Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Classroom Research Studies |
32. | Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics
| Sociolinguistics, Course Evaluation, TESOL |
33. | Assistant Professor. English Literature and Linguistics
| Cognitive Poetics, Literary Linguistics, Reader Response, Dystopia |
34. | Assistant Professor, English Literature
| Modernism, Postcolonial and Marxist Theories, 20th Century Fiction, Aesthetics, Globalization, Oil Fiction |
35. | Assistant Professor, English Literature
| World Literature, Narrative Theory, Translation Studies, Postcolonial Theory, Anglophone Arab Literature in Diaspora, and Comparative Literature |
36. | Dr. Fahda Abdulmuhsen Alsuwailim Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics
| Language and Society, Media and Communication, CMDA |
37. | Assistant Professor, English Literature
| Arab American Fiction, Ethnic American Literature, the Graphic Novel, Popular Culture |
38. | Assistant Professor, English Literature
| Modernism with expertise in Samuel Beckett and visual analysis in literary studies; genetic manuscript studies; political climate in the 1930s; and censorship. Other research interests fall under: comparative literature, cultural theory, and art history |
39. | Assistant Professor, English Literature
| Literary Criticism and its theories and postcolonial literature |
40. | Assistant Professor, Theoretical Linguistics
| Arabic phonetics and phonology, L2 phonology/ orthography interface and statistical learning |
41. | Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics | Theoretical phonology, loanword phonology, language contact, language variation & lexical borrowing |
42. | Assistant Professor, English Literature | Postcolonialism and Feminism |
43. | Assistant Professor, Linguistics | |
44. | Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics
| |
45. | Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics | |
46. | Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics | |
47. | Assistant Professor, English Literature
| Elizabethan drama and theatre, Anglo-Muslim relations during the Early Modern Period |
48. | Assistant Professor, Applied Linguistics
Lecturers & Teaching Assistants | ||
Linguistics | ||
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Lama AlSuleiman TA
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Literature | ||
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