Submitting Your Materials
1. The following documents are required for manuscript submission:
i. A manuscript File:
- A separate Word document which contains the Arabic and English abstracts, and the entire manuscript content, without the author’s information. Additionally, a PDF copy of the manuscript should be included.
ii. Author Information File:
- A separate Word document titled as the “Safḥa al-ʾūlā” if the paper is in Arabic, and "Cover Page" for the English paper.
- This document should include the information mentioned in No. (7) under the heading “Publication Requirements”.
2. The above-mentioned files are compiled in a compressed folder and named with the first and last name of the researcher.
- For example, if the researcher’s name is “Yasser Fahd”, the compressed folder is named as “Yasser Fahd” and the same applies if the research is in English.
3. The compressed file must include three documents (the fourth is optional), which are as follows:
- One Word document for the Arabic and English summary, keywords, and the entire research excluding the author’s personal information.
- A PDF document that is an identical copy of the previous document.
- A Word document for the researcher's personal information in both languages, Arabic and English
- Curriculum Vitae (recommended; the author may be asked to provide the Journal with his/her CV later).
- Inquiries related to manuscript submissions should be sent to the Managing Editor’s email at, and not to the Editor-in-Chief’s email.