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Rules & Information

Publication Domains

The journal publishes Arabic or English research papers that have not been previously published in the domains of the arts, humanities, and social sciences, including the following:

•           Arabic language and literature

•           English language and literature

•           Social studies

•           Media/press

•           History

•           Information science

•           Geography

Published Materials

The Journal of Arts publishes only scientific research papers that contribute new knowledge to their domains. The journal does not publish thesis/dissertation chapters, commentaries, reports, or critical reviews.

Publication Requirements

1.     Fill out the pledge that the research has not been previously published and that it has not been or will not be submitted for publication elsewhere until the journal’s review process is completed. 

2.     Manuscripts should not exceed a maximum of 10,000 words, including the abstracts (both in Arabic and English), keywords, references, and appendices.

3.     The official citation format system used by the journal is that of the American Psychological Association (APA), with a few journal-specific changes. APA should be used for both in-text citations and the reference list. Any manuscript that does not adhere to APA conventions will be returned to the author(s) and rejected. Other styles using footnotes, endnotes, or in-text numbering are not acceptable. 

4.     Each manuscript must be accompanied by two versions of the abstract, one in Arabic and one in English. Each should be no less than 100 words and no more than 200 words. 

5.     Each abstract must be preceded by no more than six keywords representing the major research topics. The keywords should be placed after the title and before the abstract.

6.     The author(s) must provide the following information in both Arabic and English: name, occupation, position, specialization, affiliation (e.g., department/center, college, and university), address, email, and phone number.

7.     The author’s name or any indication of identity must not be mentioned implicitly or explicitly anywhere in the body of the research; instead, the author may use neutral terms such as the researcher.” 

8.     The abbreviated titles of periodicals must be used in the form provided by the World List of Scientific Periodicals. Technical abbreviations (e.g., cm, km, mm, kg) should also be used. 

9.     Researchers must include reference lists that include the following:

·      One list of references in Arabic only.

·      One list of foreign references, including Arabic references after being romanized or translated into English, according to the following details:

Romanization: If the details of Arabic references are not available in English in the original source, the researcher must romanize—not translate—them but must also keep these references in the Arabic list.

To learn more about romanization, click here.

Translation: If the details of the references that appear in the Arabic list are available in English in the original source, the researcher must provide such details in the foreign reference list as they appear in the original source and include the phrase [In Arabic] after the title of the work, as in the following example:

An example of a reference in Arabic that has details in English in the original source the researcher used:

الظلمي، يحيى (٢٠٢٢).  التوصيفات الأكوستيكية والمعلومات الإشارية في التصنيفات الجنوسيةالآثار المترتبة للصوامت المخفمة على الصوتيات الجنائيةمجلة الضاد٦(١)، ٣٥-٥٤

Aldholmi, Y. (2022). Acoustic characterization and indexical information in gender classification: Implications of emphatics for forensic phonetics [In Arabic]. Al-Ḍād Journal, 6(1), 35–54. 

 A translation of the reference details is only acceptable if the source the researcher used has been previously translated into and published in English.

In the reference list, the Arabic references are placed first, followed by the foreign references, including the Arabic romanized or translated references, in alphabetical order.

10.    The list of Arabic references must be separated from the list of English references and must appear first if the language of the manuscript is Arabic, and vice versa. Other divisions, such as separating journals from books or electronic references from print ones, are not acceptable. 

Last updated on : March 21, 2024 9:33am