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Faculty Research Interests & Publications

* ISI 

** Emerging ISI


Ebtisam Sadiq

Academic Rank


Research Interests

Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall literary writings, Victorian Poetry, Postcolonial Critical theory, & Charlotte Bronte as a poet and novelist.

List of Publications 

Sadiq, Ebtisam. Marmaduke Pickthall Reinstated: What Canon? Partridge, 2016.

Sadiq, Ebtisam. “Islam and Human Life: Beyond Ancient Needs.” Journal of Business Inquiry 13.1(2014).

Sadiq, Ebtisam. “Coleridge’s ‘Ballad of the Dark Ladie’: The Story between the Lines.” Arab World English Journal 4.14 (November 2013).  **

Sadiq, Ebtisam. “Acts of Negation: Modality and Spatiality in The Satanic Verses.” Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literature 5.3 (December 2013): 83-98.  **

Sadiq, Ebtisam. “Space versus Place in Rushdie’s Satanic Verses.” Tchibozo, G., Ed. Proceedings of the International Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (24-28 July). Strasbourg (France): Analytrics, 2012.   287-294.

Sadiq, Ebtisam. “Negation, Selection and Substitution: Charlotte Bronte’s Feminist Poetics.” English Studies 93.7 (October 2012).  *




Abdullah S. Al-Dobaian

Academic Rank


Research Interests

Syntactic theory, Syntax-Morphology interface, syntax and morphology of Hebrew and Arabic, aspectuality theory, the interaction of theoretical and applied linguistics.

List of Publications 

Arabic synthetic compounds. 2018. Language and Linguistics, Institute of Linguistics at Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Vol. 19, no. 1. John Benjamins Publishing Company.     *

The syntax-pragmatics interaction in Arabic ishtighal construction. 2019. allisaaniyaati alarabiyah Journal, king Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for the Arabic Language

A syntactic analysis of Arabic tense and aspect. 2018. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, Australian International Academic Centre PTY. (to appear in December 2018, Volume 9 Issue 6).

Arabic synthetic compounds. 2018. Language and Linguistics, Institute of Linguistics at Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Vol. 19, no. 1. John Benjamins Publishing Company.

On the Syntax and Semantics of Arabic 'an. 2017. Journal of Linguistic Research, Institute for the Study and the Research on Arabization, Rabat, Morocco. no. 33.

Collocations in Generative Theory. 2017. Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences. May, issue 4. Dubai. UAE

Towards a morphological theory: the case of Arabic broken and sound plurals. 2014. Journal of King Saud University, Volume 26, Number 3.

Arabic “ANY”. 2008. Journal of Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Volume 4.

A Minimalist analysis of three predicate types: Lexical, Functional, and Null. 2006. Journal of Linguistic Research, Institute for the Study and Research on Arabization, University of Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco, Volume 11, Number 1/2

On Semitic Denominal Verbs: the Case of Arabic and Hebrew. 2005. Journal of King Saud University, Volume 18, Number 2



Saleh Saeed Batais

Academic Rank

Associate Professor

Research Interests

Phonological theory; loanword phonology, Austronesian/African loanword phonology; Optimality Theory; Generative Phonology; language contact; lexical borrowing; historical linguistics

List of Publications 

Batais, S. (2019). Featural faithfulness in consonantal repairs of Arabic loanwords in Sundanese. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 7 (5), 197-205. 

Batais, S. (2019). Topic maintenance and topic transition in a couple’s dinnertime conversation. International Journal of English Linguistics, 9 (5), 267-282.    **

Batais, S. (2019) .Optimality-theoretic analysis of syllabic adaptation of English loanwords in Standard Kiswahili. International Journal on Studies in English Language and Literature, 7 (7), 4-9. 

Batais, S. (2019). Consonantal adaptation of Arabic loanwords in Kiswahili and Kisukuma: A phonological explanation. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 10 (2), 85-94.     **

Batais, S., & Wiltshire, C. (2017). Indonesian borrowing as evidence for Harmonic Grammar. Journal of Linguistics, 54, 231-262.    *

Batais, S, & Wiltshire, C. (2015). Word and syllable constraints in Indonesian adaptation: OT analysis. LSA Annual Meeting Extended Abstracts, 6 (2), 1-4. 



 Haifa Saud Alfaisal

Academic Rank

Associate Professor

Research Interests

I am currently working on reading Saudi Novels and their circulation in the world literary system. I would like to pay particular attention to the role the local/global dynamic and its relation to coloniality. This interest was the initial impetus for my research on comparative Arabic literary criticism. Having produced research on early modern comparative Arabic literary criticism, I am now ready to start exploring Saudi literary studies and wording the Saudi novel. My background in Latin American literature is proving to be an asset as I am beginning to notice overlapping concerns.

List of Publications  

Alfaisal, Haifa S "Speculative Epistemologies of Resistance in Hombres de maíz and Bandarshah." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 22.4 (2020)    *

Alfaisal, Haifa S. "The Politics of Literary Value in Early Modernist Arabic Comparative Literary Criticism." Journal of Arabic Literature 50.3-4 (2019): 251-77.     *

Alfaisal, Haifa Saud. "Coloniality, Modernity and European Knowledge in Al-ṬAhṭāWī’S TaḫLīṢ Al-IbrīZ Fī TalḫĪṢ BāRīZ." La rivista di Arablit 15.June (2018): 7-30. 

Alfaisal, Haifa Saud. "Border Reading: Epistemic Reading and the Worlding of Postcolonialism." TRANSMODERNITY: Journal of Peripheral Cultural Production of the Luso-Hispanic World 7.2 (2017). 

Alfaisal, Haifa Saud. "Liberty and the Literary: Coloniality and Nahdawist Comparative Criticism of Rūḥī Al-Khālidī’s History of the Science of Literature with the Franks, the Arabs, and Victor Hugo (1904)." Modern Language Quarterly 77.4 (2016): 523-46.     *

Alfaisal, Haifa Saud. "World Reading Strategies: Border Reading Bandarshah." Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics.34 (2014): 199-226.

Alfaisal, Haifa S. "Indigenous Epistemology and the Decolonisation of Postcolonialism." Studies in Social and Political Thought 19 (2011): 24-40.

  Alfaisal, Haifa Saud. Religious Discourse in Postcolonial Studies: Magical Realism in Hombres De Maíz and Bandarshah. Edwin Mellen Press, 2006. 



Manal Abdullah Ismail

Academic Rank

Associate Professor

Research Interests

Saudi dialects, sociophonetics, linguistic levelling, language and gender, language and culture, language and social practice, metalanguage, linguistic attitudes, and code-switching.

List of Publications  

Ismail, Manal A. (2012). Sociocultural identity and Arab women's and men's code-choice in the context of patriarchy. Anthropological Linguistics, 54 (3), 261-279.   

Ismail, Manal A. (2015). The sociolinguistic dimensions of code-switching between Arabic and English by Saudis. International Journal of English Linguistics, 5 (5), 99-109.  **

Ismail, Manal A. (2019). The Clitic [-ki] by Najdīs: Morphophonemic Divergence from Supralocal Norms. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 7 (2), 87-93. 

Ismail, Manal A. (2019). Accent Accommodation in the Workplace: Cross-Dialectal Realizations of the 2 F.SG. Object/ Possessive Pronoun Suffix by Saudis. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature 8 (1), 195-203.   

Ismail, Manal A. (2020). Saudi folks’ attitudes and perceptions towards accent switches: The /k/ reflexes across dialects. In Reem Bassiouney and Keith Walters (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Arabic and Identity, pp. 93-107. Routledge.



Mohammad Almoaily

Academic Rank

ِAssociate professor

Research Interests

Pidgin and creole languages, language policy and planning, linguistic politeness.

List of Publications 

Almoaily, M. (2019). Linguistic Choices in the Saudi Entrepreneurial Cyberspace. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and Literature Studies. 8(2), 181-187

Alkadi, H. & Almoaily, M. (2019). How do Saudi Females Contextualize Male Ancestors? A Corpus-based Investigation. Advances in Language and Literary Studies. 10(2), 11-18.    **

Almoaily, M. & Alnasser, S. M. N. (2019). Current English Language Policies in Saudi Arabian Higher Education English Departments: A Study Beyond the Domain of the Classroom. Journal of Arts, 31(2), 35-47. 

Almoaily, M. (2019). Language Policies and Power in EFL Out-of-Classroom Contexts: The Case of English Language Departments in Saudi Arabian Higher Education Institutions. International Journal of English Linguistics. 9(2), 136-144. DOI: 10.5539/ijel.v9n2p136    **

Almoaily, M. (2018). Greetings as a Politeness Strategy in EFL Distance Learning Students’ Official Emails.Linguistics and Literature Studies. 6(6), 259-266. DOI: 10.13189/lls.2018.060601

Butchstaller, I., Holmberg, A., and Almoaily, M. (2014). Pidgins and Creoles beyond Africa-Europe Encounters. Amsterdam: John Benjamin's Publishing Co.

Almoaily, M. (2014) Language Variation in GPA. In Butchstaller, I., Holmberg, A., and Almoaily, M. (eds) Pidgins and Creoles beyond Africa-Europe Encounters. Amsterdam: John Benjamin's Publishing Co.



Dr. Samia Al-Shayban

Academic Rank

Associate professor

Research Interests

British theatre 1500-1830, Politics and ideologies-Slavery, emancipation and transatlantic studies-Caribbean studies-Women studies

List of Publications

AL-Shayban, Samia. “Rooted Patriarchy in Bell in Campo: Margaret Cavendish’s Female Warriors Between Military Victory and Political Defeat” Women’s Studies: An Inter-disciplinary Journal. Vol. 49. Issue no. 6 (2020): pp. 635-651.    *

AL-Shayban, Samia.” Realms of the Dead and the Living: George II’s Allegorical Presence, Politics of Nonsense and Ignorance in Henry Fielding’s The Author’s Farce” in the Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. Volume 12, Number 2, April-June, 2020. PP. 1-26.     **

AL-Shayban, Samia. “Orientalism and Hegemony of Empires: Egypt, Britain in John Dryden’s All for Love.” Annals of College of Arts, Ain Shams University. Vol. 46, no. 3. 2018.

AL-Shayban, Samia. Nicholas Rowe and George Lillo: A Comparative Study. Mauritius: Noor Publishing, 2018.
AL-Shayban, Samia. “In the Footsteps of Virgil’s The Aeneid: John Gay’s Polly, A Female Aeneas.” Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences. 2016.
AL-Shayban, Samia. “A Feminist Reading of Aphra Behn’s The Rover part I: Female Devaluation, Marginalization and Condemnation of Patriarchy” Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, 2016.
AL-Shayban, Samia. “The Treaty of Utrecht and Addison’s Cato: Britain War of the Spanish Succession; Peace and the Imperial Road Map.” In Performances of Peace: Utrecht, 1713-2013. Netherlands: Brill Publishing, 2015.
AL-Shayban, Samia.”A Celebration of Chivalry: Solyman the Magnificent and the Knights of Rhodes in William D’Avenant’s The Siege of Rhodes “Philology, Ain Shams University 2015.
AL-Shayban, Samia.“Hereditary Monarchs and Usurpers: The Popularity of John Dryden’s The Spanish Fryar in Queen Anne’s Era, 1702-1714” Bulletin of the Faculty of Arts, Cairo University 2014. 
AL-Shayban, Samia.“Voice from the Margin in George Lillo’s The London Merchant: Milwood Reconsidered.” Journal of Scientific Research in Arts. Vol. 11, Part 4. 2010. pp. 437-454.
AL-Shayban, Samia. “In Search of James II: Bajazet’s Figurative Presence in Nicholas Rowe’s Tamerlane.” Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences Vol. 36. No.1 2009. pp. 213-222.
AL-Shayban, Samia. Trans.” Her Gracious Names” in Huda Aldagfaq. A Feather that Do not Fly: Poems. Beirut: Dar-Al-Farabi, , 2008. PP. 112-129.
AL-Shayban, Samia. Ed. 2007. Huda Aldagfaq. Veiled with my Destiny. Spain: Alfalfa Editorial.
AL-Shayban, Samia. Trans.” Her Gracious Names” in Huda Aldagfaq. A Feather that Do not Fly: Poems. Beirut: Dar-Al-Farabi, , 2008. PP. 112-129.



Mona Turjoman

Academic Rank

Associate professor

Research Interests

Pragmatics: Speech Acts.

Sociolinguistics: Code-switching & language maintenance.

List of Publications 

Wejdan Saad Alkahtani, Mona Obaid Alrahman Turjoman, (2021), Language Policy as a Barrier between Practitioners and Patients: A Study on Spoken Communication in Saudi Hospitals”, Journal of English Literature and Language; 2(1): 1-14.



Hesham Suleiman Alyousef

Academic Rank

Associate Professor

Research Interests

Academic literacies, systemic functional linguistics, multimodal discourse analysis, appraisal theory, metadiscourse, assessment and evaluation tools for ESL/EFL students, and the use of Web 2.0 technology in higher education. 

List of Publications 

Alyousef, H. S. (2021). The status of theme in research article abstracts in seven dentistry subdisciplines: A text-based interdisciplinary study Journal of  Language and Education, 7(1), 28-45

Dajem, Z. A. S., & Alyousef, H. S. (2020). An  analysis of Mood and modality in workplace discourse and the impact of power differentials: Ramsay's  Kitchen Nightmares. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 11(4), 48-61.

Alshalan, R. F., & Alyousef, H. S. (2020). English-Arabic translator education through systemic functional linguistics: Analysis of cohesive devices in Investopedia business texts. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 9(6), 32-41.

Alyousef, H. S. (2019). "Grammatics for Ameliorating Reading Comprehension Skills: A Social Semiotic Approach." In Handbook of Language Education Curriculum Design, edited by Peter Mickan and Ilona Wallace. Routledge (Taylor & Francis).

Abumelha, M. A., & Alyousef, H. S. (2019). A cross-cultural comparative investigation of linking adverbials in linguistics research articles written in English by native and Arab scholars. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 7(5), 226-240. 

Alyousef, H. S., & Alsharif, A. A. (2019). Thematic progression in Saudi postgraduate Business students’ multimodal written texts: an SF-MDA accounting discourse. Journal of English Educators Society, 4(2), 1-7. 

Alwazzan, O. A., & Alyousef, H. S. (2019). Saudi EFL Learners’ Test Anxiety Levels during CBT and PBT. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 16(2), 215-229.

Alyousef, H. S., & Alyahya, A. M. (2018). The conceptualization of genre in systemic functional linguistics. Jurnal RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa, 4(2), 91-99. 

Alyousef, H. S. (2018). "The representation of experience in undergraduate business students’ texts: A functional analysis of multimodal meaning making resources in marketing texts."  Discourse and Interaction Journal 11(1), 5–27. 

Alsharif, A. A., and H. S. Alyousef. 2017. "Negotiation and Impoliteness Strategies in Saudi and Australian Postgraduate Students’ Emails."  Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) 8 (4): 333-351. 

Alsharif, A. A., & Alyousef, H. S. (2017). Investigating ESL/EFL students’ approaches in response to revision processes: A case study. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 13(2), 153-181.

Alyousef, H. S. 2017. "A multimodal discourse analysis of textual cohesion in tertiary marketing texts written by international undergraduate students." In Semiotics 2016: Archaeology of Concepts (Yearbook of the Semiotic Society of America), edited by Jamin Pelkey, 99-122. Charlottesville, VA: U.S.: Philosophy Documentation Centre.

Alyousef, H.S. & Alsharif, A. A. (2016). The experiential meaning in Saudi postgraduate Business students’ multimodal accounting texts: A multidimensional exploration.  Australian Journal of Linguistics (AJL), 1-33.  *

Alyousef, H.S. & Mickan, P. (2016). Literacy and Numeracy Practices in Postgraduate Management Accounting. In R. Fidalgo, T. Olive, A. Archer & E. O. Breuer (Eds.), Studies in Writing: Vol. 33, Multimodality in Higher Education (pp. 216-240). Leiden: Brill Publishing.

Alnasser, S. M., &Alyousef, H. S. (2015). Improving the Effectiveness of the Peer Feedback Technique: The Impact of Focusing EFL Student-writers on Macro Level Features. International Journal of English Language Education, 3(1), 92-112.

Alnasser, S. M., & Alyousef, H. S. (2015). Investigating Saudi learners’ preferences for giving and receiving macro and/or micro level peer feedback on their writing. English Language Teaching (ELT) Journal, 8(6), 57-68. 

Alyousef, H. S. (2015). A multimodal discourse analysis of international postgraduate Business students’ finance texts: An investigation of theme and information value. Social Semiotics, 1-19.

Alyousef, H. S., & Alnasser, S. M. (2015). A study of cohesion in international postgraduate Business students' multimodal written texts: An SF-MDA of a key topic in finance. The Buckingham Journal of Language and Linguistics, 8, 56-78.

Alyousef, H. S. (2015). An Investigation of metadiscourse features in international postgraduate business students' texts: the use of interactive and interactional markers in tertiary multimodal finance texts. SAGE Open, 5(4), 1-10.

Alyousef, H. S. (2015). Assessment preferences of Saudi undergraduate EFL students: Formative feedback through summative lecture-based assessment. International Journal of Bilingual & Multilingual Teachers of English (IJMBTE), 3(2), 95-104.

Alyousef, H. S., & Alnasser, S. M. (2015). A study of cohesion in international postgraduate students’ multimodal management accounting texts. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ), 6(3), 30-46.

Alyousef, H. S., & Alnasser, S. M. (2015). A study of cohesion in international postgraduate Business students' multimodal written texts: An SF-MDA of a key topic in finance. The Buckingham Journal of Language and Linguistics, 8, 56-78.

Alyousef, Hesham Suleiman. (2013). An investigation of postgraduate Business students’ multimodal literacy and numeracy practices in finance: a multidimensional exploration. Social Semiotics Journal, 23, 1. 

Alyousef, H. S. & Picard, M. Y. (2011). Cooperative or collaborative literacy practices: Mapping metadiscourse in a business students' wiki group project. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27(3), 463-480. 



May Abdulaziz Abumelha



Assistant Professor



Second language acquisition/ instruction, discourse analysis/ sociolinguistics. 

List of


Abumelha, M. & Alyousef, H. (2019). A Cross-Cultural Comparative Investigation of Linking Adverbials in Linguistics Research Articles Written in English by Native and Arab Scholars. Linguistics and Literature Studies. 7(5): 226-240.    

Dash, N., Elumalai, K.V., Alqahtani, M., & Abumelha, M. (2019). Proposing a Customized Method for Extratextual Documentative Annotation on Written Text Corpus. International Journal of English linguistics. 9 (2), p. 99-112.   **

Alqahtani, M. S. M., Bhaskar,C. V., Elumalai,K.V., & Abumelha, M. (2018). WhatsApp: An Online Platform for University-Level English Language Education. Arab World English Journal, 9 (4), 108 -121.  

Abumelha, M. (2018). Classroom Input to Accelerate Feature Reassembly of English Generics. Instructed Second Language Acquisition. 2 (2), p. 189-214.



Mohammed Ghazi Alghamdi

Academic Rank

Assistant professor

Research Interests

Critical Theory and Criticism & Comparative Literature

List of Publications 

Alghamdi, Mohammed Ghazi. "'The Transparent Eyeball' of the Nation: Walt Whitman’s Imagined Nation in 'Song of Myself'." ACTA POÉTICA, vol. 43, no. 2, June 2021.      **



Ali A. Alhajji

Academic Rank

Assistant Professor

Research Interests        

Anglophone Arab Studies in the Diaspora; World Anglophone Literature. His research and teaching also encompass narrative, postcolonial, translation, and ethnic studies as well as Southwest Asian and North African studies.

List of Publications  

ALHAJJI, ALI. Review of Silke Schmidt, (Re-)Framing the Arab/Muslim: Mediating Orientalism in Contemporary Arab American Life Writing. Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. 106 (2016). 



Arwa Hassan

Academic Rank

Assistant professor

Research Interests

Cognitive Poetics, Literary Linguistics, Reader Response, Dystopia.

List of Publications 

Hasan, A. (2020). The Text Worlds of Umayma Al-Khamis’s “Waiting for Hayla” and “Restoration”. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature, 14(1), 10–22.      **



Mona Bani Alkahtani

Academic Rank

Assistant professor

Research Interests

Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics

List of Publications 

Alkahtani, M. B. . (2020). Failing to Prevail: A Discourse Analysis of Attitude in Mubarak’s Speeches During the Arab Spring. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature, 14(1), 123-137.    **



Maimoonah K. Al Khalil

Academic Rank

Assistant professor

Research Interests

Second language acquisition, role of feedback in second language acquisition, second language motivation, individual differences in second language acquisition, second language writing, writing center studies.

List of Publications 

Al Khalil, M. K. (2016). Insights from real-time measurement of L2 state motivation in task-based interaction. In A. Mackey & E. Mardsen (Eds.) Instruments for Research into Second Languages: Empirical studies advancing methodology (pp. 243-262). New York: Routledge. 

Gurzynski-Weiss, L., Al Khalil, M. K., Baralt, M., & Leow, R. (2015). Levels of awareness in relation to type of recast and type of linguistic item in synchronous computer-mediated communication: A concurrent investigation. In R. P. Leow, L. Cerezo, and M. Baralt (Eds.) Technology and L2 Learning: A Psycholinguistic Approach. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 

Mackey, A., Al-Khalil, M. K., Atanassova, G., Hama, M., Logan-Terry, A., Nakatsukasa, K. (2007). Teachers’ Intentions and Learners’ Perceptions about Corrective Feedback in the L2 Classroom. Innovations in Language Learning and Teaching, 1(1), 129-152. 



Anas Maktabi

Academic Rank

ِAssistant professor

Research Interests

-Production of knowledge about the Other


List of Publications 

Maktabi, Anas, translator. Science and Human Experience: Values, Culture, and the Mind. By Cooper, Leon N. ksu Press, 2019

Maktabi, Anas, translator. How Learning Works: 7 Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching. By Ambrose, Susan A. et al, ksu Press, 2018

Maktabi, Anas, translator. The Language Revolution. By Crystal, David, ksu Press, 2017

Maktabi, Anas, translator. The Islamophobia Industry: How the Right Manufactures Fear of Muslims. By Lean, Nathanksu Press, 2016

Maktabi, Anas, translator. Psychodermatology: The Psychological Impact of Skin Disorders. By Walker, Carl & Linda Papadopoulos, ksu Press, 2015.

Maktabi, Anas, translator. Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide. By Tyson, Lois, ksu Press, 2014. 

Maktabi, Anas, translator.  Islam in European Thought. By Hourani, Albert, ksu Press, 2011.



Madhawy AZ Almeshaal

Academic Rank

Assistant professor

Research Interests

Modern and Contemporary English Drama/Theater

List of Publications 

 Almeshaal, Madhawy AZ, Photography as a Reflection of the Photographer’s Pain in Time Stands Still (March 12, 2021). AWEJ for Translation & Literary Studies, Volume 5, Number 1. February 2021

Almeshaal, Madhawy AZLaughter in Churchill's Top Girls: A Metaphorical Form of Expression. Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literature, Vol. 8, No. 1, Jordan, 2016.    **

Almeshaal, Madhawy AZ Macbeth: An Embodiment of Human Despair. College of Arts. Vol. 26, 2. KSU, Riyadh, 2014.




Muhammad Swaileh Alzaidi

Academic Rank

Assistant professor

Research Interests

My research is primarily concerned with how communicative meanings can be encoded prosodically, and how prosodic evidence can be incorporated into formal grammar. In particularly, I am interested in how information structure and prosody interact in Saudi dialects. I am also concerned with how word order is reflected in syntax. More recently, I have developed an interest in the understanding of pragmatic competence of Saudi learners of English, and binomials in Saudi dialects.

List of Publications 

Alzaidi, M., Xu, Y. and Xu, A. (2019). Prosodic Encoding of Focus in Hijazi Arabic. Speech Communication 106:127-149.   *



Arwa Fahad Almubaddel

Academic Rank


Research Interests


List of Publications 

Al-Mubaddel, A. F. ‘The Typist Home at Teatime’Vivienne Haigh-Wood Eliot’s Role in Shaping TS Eliot’s The Waste Land (1922). Thanks for Typing: Remembering Forgotten Women in History, 188-198



Samah Saleh Alaboudi

Academic Rank

Teaching Assistant 

Research Interests

Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics

List of Publications 

Alaboudi, S. S. (2020). Issuing a Refusal: How Female Saudi Speakers of Arabic Say No. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 9(5)



Wafa Aljuaythin

Academic Rank

Teaching Assistant

Research Interests

Language planning and policy, critical discourse Analysis, second language acquisition.

List of Publications 

Aljuaythin, W. (2020). A Critical Discourse Analysis of Female Role Assignment in Saudi and American Advertisements. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature14(1), 217-231.    **

Almurshed, H. M., & Aljuaythin, W. (2019). Does High Anxiety Decrease Motivation for Learning English as a Foreign Language? International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 8(2)

Aljuaythin, W. (2018). Gender Representation in EFL Textbooks in Saudi Arabia: A Critical Discourse Analysis Approach. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 7(5), 151. 

Juaythin, W. (2017). Fostering Learners Autonomy through Response Journals.The International Journal oSocial Sciences and Humanities Invention


Last updated on : January 12, 2023 1:47am